Use "androgen|androgens" in a sentence

1. These antiAndrogens block production of Androgen hormones or clog receptors, keeping true Androgens out.

2. Provides transient increase of Androgens in the beginning and then suppresses Androgens later; need to have another androgen suppressant in the beginning of treatment

3. As sebum production is markedly influenced by androgens, high androgen levels or an increased response to circulating androgens, even if they are within a normal range, can ameliorate androgen-dependant dermatoses like seborrhoea, acne, hirsutism and androgenetic alopecia.

4. Although testosterone is the most well known androgen, there are numerous Androgens in both the male and female body

5. Mutations in the AR gene prevent androgen receptors from working properly, which makes cells less responsive to Androgens or …

6. Androgens are linked to a variety of diseases, so adopting an anti-Androgen diet can provide a variety of health benefits.

7. The causes are polycystic ovary syndrome, idiopathic hyperandrogenism, late onset adrenogenital syndrome, androgen-producing tumors and the exogenous administration of androgens and steroids.

8. Androgens and androgen receptors also have other important functions in both males and females, such as regulating hair growth and sex drive

9. Androgen synonyms, Androgen pronunciation, Androgen translation, English dictionary definition of Androgen

10. The impact of decreasing androgens is known as Andropause, also called "male menopause" or PADAM: Partial Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male

11. Advanced prostate cancer remains dependent on androgens and signaling through the androgen receptor despite castrate levels of testosterone defined as testosterone levels <1.7 nmol/l.

12. AntiAndrogens, also known as Androgen antagonists or testosterone blockers, are a class of drugs that prevent Androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from mediating their biological effects in the body

13. Androgen sensitivity is determined by genetic variants of the Androgen receptor.

14. Androgen suppression by Androgen deprivation therapy and Androgen receptor signaling inhibitors form the foundation of prostate cancer treatment.

15. What Causes Elevated Androgen Levels? The majority of women with elevated Androgen levels have PCOS

16. Deca Anabolin is an exogenous androgen which resembles the endogenous androgen testosterone

17. Testosterone and androsterone are Androgens

18. They act by blocking the Androgen receptor (AR) and/or inhibiting or suppressing Androgen production

19. Androgens are male sex hormones

20. Which food androgen contents are high?

21. Why are Androgens prescribed? 1.

22. Anti-androgens of steroidal structure

23. Key Difference – Androgen vs Estrogen

24. Functions of Androgens and its Receptors Due to the fact that the disorder is closely correlated to an issue in the reception of Androgens, the importance of Androgens must be understood

25. Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an intersex condition with an estimated prevalence of about 1:20,000-64,000 in XY (chromosomally male) births, resulting in the partial or complete inability of the cell to respond to Androgens

26. Androgens are also the original anabolic steroids

27. This disease is generally associated with elevated secretion of Androgens, sometimes resulting in virilizing syndromes, including genital ambiguity, precocious puberty in both sexes, or milder syndromes of androgen excess like precocious pubarche or the occurrence of …

28. What are Androgens? Androgens are commonly known as male hormones, but there’s a slight deception in the name

29. Ancyroid andro Androderm androgamone Androgel androgen androgen deprivation therapy androgeneses androgenesis androgenetic androgenetic alopecia androgenic androgenicity androgen insensitivity syndrome androgenise androgenised androgenising androgenization androgenize androgenized androgenizing androgyne androgynies androgynism androgynous

30. Androgen deficiency in women is a controversial concept.

31. Androgens, such as testosterone, are male sex hormones that produce male sexual characteristics; Androgens are also present at low levels in women

32. Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens.

33. Prostatic carcinoma is known to be androgen sensitive and responds to treatment that removes the source of androgen

34. Simply, Androgens are a group of hormones

35. Androgens are usually thought of as male hormones, but the female body naturally produces a small amount of Androgens too

36. Androgen is a major source for estrogen, and both Androgen and estrogen have direct effects in stimulating bone formation.138

37. Androgens are the hormones that are responsible for not…

38. You also have adrenal androgens, which are somewhat important.

39. Anabolic steroids, also known more properly as Anabolic–androgenic steroids (AAS), are steroidal androgens that include natural androgens like testosterone as well as synthetic androgens that are structurally related and have similar effects to testosterone

40. Androgens and the Aging Male explores this hypothesis

41. Androgens are STEROIDS and include testosterone and androsterone

42. Ultimately, both appear to be mediated by androgens.

43. What Are Androgens? Androgens are often referred to as the “male” hormones, but these hormones are present and essential in both men and women

44. Androgens are the hormones that give males their masculine qualities

45. Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty.

46. Squamous metaplasia inbeinto infarction, inflammation, therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy.

47. The molecular mechanisms of the transition to hormone-refractory cancer include: 1) paradoxal activation of the androgen receptor during androgen ablation; 2) resistance to apoptosis induced by androgen ablation; 3) neuro-endocrine differentiation of tumours.

48. Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream, and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens.

49. The effects of androgen on human body are versatile.

50. Androgens are essential to reproductive function and male sexuality.

51. Androgens are also essential in muscle development and psychosexual behavior

52. And this is a syndrome called androgen insensitivity syndrome.

53. Osteoporosis from androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer treatment.

54. Androgens, such as testosterone, impact bone development, muscle growth, and metabolism

55. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone act as the predominant Androgens in mammals.

56. Androgens are hormones that regulate the development of sex characteristics

57. This was an androgen-producing Sertoli cell tumour (tubular Androblastoma).

58. Androgen is a generic term for male sex hormones

59. Androgens are a group of chemically related sex steroid hormones

60. E2F activity is Biphasically regulated by androgens in LNCaP cells

61. Androgen is the name given to any male sex hormone, such as testosterone, so anti-Androgen foods are products that help reduce the production of these hormones

62. Testosterone – The most well known of Androgens, because of its strong effects

63. Androstenedione is the common precursor of the Androgen and estrogen sex hormones.

64. Androgens is an emulator for Genesis, also called Megadrive in Europe

65. Testosterone is also the principal circulating Androgen, in potency, in women

66. 10 Squamous metaplasia inbeinto infarction, inflammation, therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy.

67. Androgen production by the tumors results in defeminisation and virilization.

68. Androgen definition is - a male sex hormone (such as testosterone)

69. There are a lot of misconceptions about testosterone and other Androgens

70. Typically, people born with male sex characteristics have high levels of Androgens

71. However, some of the patients show significantly reduced synthesis of testicular androgens.

72. Both men's and women's bodies produce Androgens, just in differing amounts.

73. Flutamide binds to the Androgen receptors in prostate cancer cells, which

74. Some compounds in the environment can chemically neuter animals by blocking Androgens' effects

75. Deficiency or blockage of virilizing hormones (androgens) can also contribute to feminization.

76. What Is It? Androgens are a group of hormones that play a role in male traits and reproductive activity. Present in both males and females, the principle Androgens are testosterone and androstenedione

77. Androgenic: ( an'drō-jen'ik ), Relating to an Androgen; having a masculinizing effect

78. The molecular eents of androgen? AR action in a target cell.

79. Androgens (including testosterone) are the hormones that give men their 'male' characteristics

80. Tumor growth and androgens were suppressed more strongly by surgical ADX than prior studies using abiraterone, suggesting reduction in Adrenally-derived androgens beyond that achieved by abiraterone may have clinical benefit